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 Water SMART Broward - Swim Coupon

The Children’s Services Council of Broward County has partnered with Broward County’s SWIM Central program to provide a coupon with a value of $55 to help off-set the cost of swimming instruction for children and their families.

  • The child must be from ages six months through eight years of age.
  • Each child will need their own coupon and may only use one coupon per fiscal year (October 1st thru September 30th).
  • Coupons are available only to Broward County Residents. The address provided must be a residence in Broward County (Commercial or Business addresses will not be accepted) Please include apartment numbers when applicable.
  • Adult Coupons can be paired with a child for individuals ages 14 and up
  • Coupons expire 100 days after their issue date.
Apply for swim coupon at WaterSmartBroward.org.