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Sound the Alarm – Who is Looking for our Missing Children?
January 8, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
The Broward Human Trafficking Coalition and its sub-committee Stop Trafficking Rescue Survivors (STARS) acknowledged that January is Human Trafficking month by hosting the 3rd Annual Anti-Human Trafficking Youth Summit: “Sound the Alarm-Who’s Looking for Our Missing Children”. The event’s focus was to raise awareness about the lack of community response and media attention for missing black, brown, and indigenous women, men, boys, and girls across the country. When they go missing, they are much more likely to be at greater risk of being trafficked and sexually exploited.
This event was the 2nd event in a series of 5 events to celebrate CSC’s 20th Anniversary Celebration. This hybrid event was engaging and thought-provoking from the lens of a survivor of trafficking, Dr. Shanika Ampah. During her conversation with Broward Human Trafficking Coalition’s (BHTC) President Jumorrow Johnson, Dr. Ampah shared her story and identified ways parents, youth, and our community can appropriately respond when a child is missing and recovered and reunited with family. Dr. Ampah was transparent and authentic on how our community can continue collaborating to bring about change for our children in Broward. The event also included a powerful presentation for the community, youth attending virtually, and parents by Ms. Starr Davis, Founder of Starr Institute, on addressing child sexual abuse and exploitation. Youth in attendance also had the opportunity to participate in expressive art with local artist Shandria Striggles.
There were over 120 attendees in person and virtually. This included representation from the Interim Broward County Schools Superintendent Vickie Cartwright, youth from the City of Tamarac, and CSC-funded programs (Youth Force & Family Strengthening). This year’s event was co-sponsored by the City of Tamarac, The Healing Arts Institute of South Florida, and the Children’s Services Council of Broward.
Thank you, CSC and our Committee Members, volunteers, and supporters, for making this event another huge success. We invite you to join the Stop Trafficking and Rescue Survivors Committee (STARS) (https://www.cscbroward.org/committee/stop-trafficking-and-rescue-survivors-stars) as we work together to bring awareness and education to our community to stop human trafficking from impacting our children’s lives in Broward County.